Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is the difference between Architecture and Design in ICT?

Architecture is the software components that a software needs to have, based on the specifications, to perform as required. 
Design is the construction of the software components, and may be Logical Design which is the source coding of the components, and may be Physical Design which is the organization adaptation of the Logical Design into a functioning software.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cybercrime Security Forum November 1, 2011

I believe we must aspire to a future of cyber space which is not stifled by government control or censorship, but where innovation and competition flourish and investment and enterprise are rewarded” William Hague told the conference. Willian Hague is the British Foreign Secretary and First Secretary of State.

We know this is not a view shared by all countries but states will find it harder and harder to try to restrict their citizens’ demands for the freedom to express their ideas” he added.