Friday, July 26, 2013

The four precepts by Rene Descartes

Descartes seeks to ascertain the true method by which to arrive at the knowledge of whatever lay within the compass of his powers; he presents four precepts:

His four precepts are summarized next:

1. Accept only that which you are sure of
2. divide into as small parts as necessary
3. solve the simplest problem first
4. make a complete list as possible

Precepts further explained below:

The first was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such; that is to say, carefully to avoid precipitancy and prejudice, and to comprise nothing more in my judgement than what was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all ground of doubt.

The second, to divide each of the difficulties under examination into as many parts as possible, and as might be necessary for its adequate solution.

The third, to conduct my thoughts in such order that, by commencing with objects the simplest and easiest to know, I might ascend by little and little, and, as it were, step by step, to the knowledge of the more complex; assigning in thought a certain order even to those objects which in their own nature do not stand in a relation of antecedence and sequence.

And the last, in every case to make enumerations so complete, and reviews so general, that I might be assured that nothing was omitted.

Read more at wikipedia

Les 4 préceptes de Rene Descartes

Le premier étoit de ne recevoir jamais aucune chose pour vraie que je ne la connusse évidemment être telle; c’est-à-dire, d’éviter soigneusement la précipitation et la prévention, et de ne comprendre rien de plus en mes jugements que ce qui se présenteroit si clairement et si distinctement à mon esprit, que je n’eusse aucune occasion de le mettre en doute.

Le second, de diviser chacune des difficultés que j’examinerois, en autant de parcelles qu’il se pourroit, et qu’il seroit requis pour les mieux résoudre.

Le troisième, de conduire par ordre mes pensées, en commençant par les objets les plus simples et les plus aisés à connoître, pour monter peu à peu comme par degrés jusques à la connoissance des plus composés, et supposant même de l’ordre entre ceux qui ne se précèdent point naturellement les uns les autres.

Et le dernier, de faire partout des dénombrements si entiers et des revues si générales, que je fusse assuré de ne rien omettre.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

New technology revolution will inch into what we wear

Take the example of the future watch of Apple: iWatch

 or smart devices Wristbands:
1) jawbone
2) Nike

Personally I am already using the Jawbone up wrist band.

Without forgetting the Google's glass.

Amanda Rosenberg is the lady on the picture, the product marketing manager at Google who suggested "OK, Glass."

It is obvious for me that we will be wearing in the near future more and more technology on us.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Basics Project Management Life Cycle: Wrap-up Step

After a project has been completed, the last step is the final wrap-up. A complete summary should be written of every step of the project along with changes made to the original outline of the work as well as any alterations to budgets and the overall lessons learned from the project. This will be very helpful to you and your company in completing future projects.