Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Cloud Implementation Planning Stage

The Cloud implementation planning in the Cloud Adoption Lifecycle Model is a stage.

At this point, an organization is preparing to implement cloud computing and it is involved in selecting suitable cloud providers, solutions and associated technologies.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cloud Adoption Lifecycle Model

The Cloud Adoption Lifecycle Model recommends five stages in the cloud adoption process.

The five stages are:
1- Cloud proof of concept or POC/pilot project
2 - Cloud strategy and road-map
3- cloud modeling and architecture
4 cloud implementation planning and
5 - cloud implementation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Governance is a term used to describe the management and control of services. So, for example, if the role of IT is to help a thriving company develop innovative products and services, the IT governance plan might include several new high-tech initiatives to help achieve this goal.
However, if a company is using technology to help it survive a downturn, IT governance is mainly concerned with efficiency, saving money, and sharing systems.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Aligning IT and Business Strategies

A business strategy contains the mission, vision and objectives of an organization. It also contains the organization's market strategy, unique value proposition, and distinctive value configuration.

An IT strategy contains information on applications and human resources. Details about the way IT is to be organized and the technical infrastructure itself are also included.

By aligning their business and IT strategies, organizations can achieve the best return on their IT investment.
An IT-enabled business strategy contains the business expectations the company has of IT. It also includes the company's future IT plans.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Globally Networked Customs (GNC)

Driven by the need to ensure that World Customs Organization (WCO) Members were well-positioned to meet the challenges and opportunities of the global trading environment, the WCO Council adopted its Customs in the 21st Century strategic vision in 2008. It comprises ten building blocks, of which Globally Networked Customs (GNC) is the first.

To make GNC a reality, an Ad Hoc Working Group was set up by the WCO to undertake “a comprehensive analysis of the potential to rationalize, harmonize and standardize the secure and efficient exchange of information between WCO Members”.

Visit World Customs Organization (WCO) - Organization Mondiale des Douanes (OMC)